Costa Rica - Las Lajas - Black Honey

Costa Rica - Las Lajas - Black Honey

Regular price$ 25.00


The Las Lajas favorite is making a comeback, and it's even sweeter than before! You don't want to miss out on this enchanting coffee. The Chacon family's honey processing is renowned, and this batch showcases exactly why. We're excited for you to try it out. It's the perfect brew to get through the mid summer blues!


We Taste: Pomegranate, Cran-grape Juice, Rhubarb Pie
Oscar and Francisca Chacon 
 Las Lajas 
Elevation: 1500 MASL
Varietals: Catuai, Caturra, Villa Sarchi
Milling Process: Honey
Drying Process: Patio and solar dried machine

Beneficio Las Lajas is owned by Oscar and Francisca Chacon and is known for its unique and exceptional drying techniques for natural and honey processed coffees. Oscar and Francisca are constantly experimenting with new processing techniques and push for the perfect technique to produce a cup that expresses the inherent delicacy, harmony and complexity of their coffees. A specialty of Las Lajas, the black honey process has been developed and refined over the seasons and involves the coffee being left on the patio for a period of 24 hours. This process is the longest honey process used at Las Lajas.

Process Info: 

During the Black Honey process, the coffee is carefully dried in a solar dryer for 17-25 days, with 100% of the mucilage left intact. This process involves turning the coffee once per day, resulting in a unique and concentrated flavor profile that is both sweet and fruity.

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